C Populate A Dataset Manually | Full EBook

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It is not currently accepting answers.Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.How can convert that array or this string as a whole to a dataset or datatable?? Something like: Creating a custom object seems like a cleaner and more robust way of holding the data in memory. Something as simple as. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use. Learn more Then I call it like this. Then add it into my dataset how to do achieve. So, it should look like this: I'll show an example using an un-Typed DataSet: So, it should look like this. Bu i do something wrong. Bu i do something wrong. But, i would like to do this after i sorted the dataset. So i like to do first. The DataSet contains DataTableCollection and their DataRelationCollection. The DataTableCollection contains zero or more DataTable objects. A DataTable is defined in the System.Data namespace and represents a single table of memory-resident data. You can set constraint information for a DataTable by using the PrimaryKey and Unique properties.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. That's what the DataAdapter is doing under the covers. I mean with a table in the code Insults are not welcome. Chances are they have and don't get it. Call GetXml for XML. DataSet. This is a collection of DataTables. We use the DataSet type to store many DataTables in a single collection. Conceptually, the DataSet acts as a set of DataTable instances. DataTable Usage. DataSet simplifies programs that use many DataTables. To effectively use the DataSet, you will need to have some DataTables handy. We begin by creating some. One stores 2 rows of patient information. And the second stores 2 rows of medication information. Next: We create a DataSet with the DataSet constructor. Then we add the 2 DataTables to the DataSet instance. Finally we print the XML.You can put your DataSet in a using block. http://eagleexpressegypt.com/userfiles/critikon-8100-manual.xml

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This ensures the Dispose method is called as soon as possible when the DataSet is no longer being used. Tip: If you are having resource usage problems, adding using blocks can help. This is a good first step to fixing such issues.Often, XML data needs to have an XML namespace of a tag element prefix. And: Fortunately, the DataSet provides the Namespace and Prefix properties to specify this. Next: This example specifies both the Namespace and the Prefix, and you can see them appear in the output.Usually, it is easiest to specify this inside the DataSet constructor. But you don't always know the name at this time. However: You can also change the name by assigning to the DataSetName property. You can also read the DataSetName property.It also provides a Copy method that will make a deep copy of all the DataTables in the set. Tip: If you call Copy and the Clear the original, your copied data will still exist unchanged.You can use the Count property and indexer on this sub-collection to access all the individual tables.The GetXml() method on the DataSet instance is ideal for this. Then: It adds a new DataTable to this set. This DataTable has four rows and five columns. Finally: The GetXml instance method is invoked on the DataSet, and the result is printed to the screen. Info: The elements Hospital, Prescription, Dosage, Drug, Patient and Date match the names of the DataSet, DataTable and DataColumns.GetXmlSchema() on the DataSet type generates an XML schema from the known structure encoded in your DataSet. Then: We create a DataSet and then add a DataTable instance to it. We call the GetXmlSchema instance method, which reveals the XML schema.The DataSet type provides 2 methods, InferXmlSchema and ReadXmlSchema, which can load a file we specify that contains the schema data. Then: We have a DataSet with all the appropriate constraints in it. After this, we could use ReadXml on an XML file of the data itself. http://fnathservices.com/upload/critikon-compact-ts-service-manual.xml

A DataRelation indicates which tables are dependent on other tables (sub-tables). CaseSensitive. The DataSet provides the CaseSensitive property. The default value is False. There may be cases where you want string lookups on your DataSet to be case-sensitive. It provides useful helper methods for acting upon those DataTables. Thus DataSet introduces a key abstraction. Every person is special and unique. There are several methods; reshape is powerful. But let's glance at long-to-wide transformation: We want to group them together by some variable that identifies an individual (group of observations). No unread comment. View All Comments. No unread message. View All Messages No unread notification.We can create a DataTable object by using the DataTable constructor, or by passing constructor arguments to the Add method of the Tables property of the DataSet, which is a DataTableCollection. We can also create DataTable objects within a DataSet by using the Fill or FillSchema methods of the DataAdapter object, or from a pre-defined or inferred XML schema using the ReadXml, ReadXmlSchema, or InferXmlSchema methods of the DataSet. Note that after we have added a DataTable as a member of the Tables collection of one DataSet, we cannot add it to the collection of tables of any other DataSet. When we first create a DataTable, it does not have a schema (a structure). To define the schema of the table, we must create and add DataColumn objects to the Columns collection of the table. We can also define a primary key column for the table, and create and add Constraint objects to the Constraints collection of the table. After we have defined the schema for a DataTable, we can add rows of data to the table by adding DataRow objects to the Rows collection of the table. We are not required to supply a value for the TableName property when we create a DataTable; we can specify the property at another time, or we can leave it empty. http://stroyzona.com.ua/companynews/elitegroup-945g-m3-motherboard-manual

If the supplied name already exists, an exception will be thrown. We use the DataTable constructor to create an empty DataTable named Orders. We saw Increment, IncrementSeed and ReadOnly property that we set them programmatically. ADO.NET enables us to create DataTable objects and add them to an existing DataSet. We can set constraint information for a DataTable by using the PrimaryKey and Unique properties of DataColumn objects, which are added to the Columns collection of the DataTable. The following example constructs a DataSet, adds a new DataTable object to the DataSet, and then adds three DataColumn objects to the table. Finally, the code sets one column as the primary key column. Two or more tables or relations can exist in a DataSet that have the same name, but that differ in case. For example we can have Table1 and table1. In this situation, a reference to one of the tables by name must match the case of the table name exactly, otherwise an exception is thrown. The case-sensitivity rule does not apply if only one table or relation exists with a particular name. That is, if no other table or relation object in the DataSet matches the name of that particular table or relation object, even by a difference in case, we can reference the object by name using any case and no exception is thrown. The CaseSensitive property applies to the data in the DataSet and affects sorting, searching, filtering, enforcing constraints, and so on. References to the tables or relations in a DataSet are not affected by the CaseSensitive property. After we create a DataTable and define its structure using columns and constraints, we can add new rows of data to the table. To add a new row, declare a new variable as type DataRow. A new DataRow object is returned when we call the NewRow method. The DataTable then creates the DataRow object based on the structure of the table, as defined by the DataColumnCollection. http://gestibrok.com/images/canon-zr85-a-manual.pdf

The following example demonstrates how to create a new row by calling the NewRow method. Note that values in the array are matched sequentially to the columns, based on the order in which they appear in the table. The following example adds ten rows to the newly created Customers table. We can also use the DataTable.Select method to return subsets of the data in a DataTable according to certain criteria including search criteria, sort order, and row state. Additionally, we can use the Find method of the DataRowCollection when searching for a particular row using a primary key value. The Select method of the DataTable object returns a set of DataRow objects that match the specified criteria. Select takes optional arguments of a filter expression, sort expression, and DataViewRowState. The sort expression follows standard SQL conventions for ordering columns, for example LastName ASC, FirstName ASC. For rules about writing expressions, see the Expression property of the DataColumn class. Tip: If we will be performing a number of calls to the Select method of a DataTable, we can increase performance by first creating a DataView for the DataTable. Creating the DataView will index the rows of the table. The Select method will then use that index, significantly reducing the time to generate the query result. For information about creating a DataView for a DataTable, see Creating and Using DataViews. The Select method determines which version of the rows to view or manipulate based on a DataViewRowState. The following table describes the possible DataViewRowState enumeration values. Member name Description CurrentRows Current rows including unchanged, added, and modified rows. Deleted A deleted row. ModifiedCurrent A current version, which is a modified version of original data. (See ModifiedOriginal.) ModifiedOriginal The original version of all modified rows. The current version is available using ModifiedCurrent. Added A new row. None None.

OriginalRows Original rows, including unchanged and deleted rows. Unchanged An unchanged row. In the following example, the DataSet object is filtered so that we are only working with rows whose DataViewRowState is set to CurrentRows. Brought to you by. Next Recommended ArticleAll contents are copyright of their authors. There are several methods; reshape is powerful. But let's glance at long-to-wide transformation: We want to group them together by some variable that identifies an individual (group of observations). You may use a DataSet bind it to a Grid Control toInstead of using a bound grid and a DataSet, we can use theAn example of this kind of functionalityWhen you click one of the column headers, the list is sortedWhen you click the same column header again, theAdditionally, this example uses the Compare Also, note that all of the columns in thisThe ListView control isFor example, if the ListView control is displaying aThe ability to display items in this way makes theThis enables you define the type ofWhen the ListViewIn order to sort by subitems, you must create your own class thatThe class is defined with a constructor that specifies the columnOnce you have created this class, typically as aThis identifies the custom sortingThe following table is an example of how thisTo do this, you need to create an event-handlingPlace the event-handlingWhen the Sort method is called in the ColumnClick This column index is used to access subitems fromThe subitems are then passed to the String.CompareIf the item in the xFinally, if the item in the x parameterThis method can be used to perform the same type ofIn this section, you modify only the Compare methodThis ability to sort items and their. Got inspired by something you read here. Then consider making a donation with PayPal. Make yourself heard by casting your vote below. Then follow me on Twitter. You needed to create a Connection object, a DataAdapter and optionally a Command object.

Then you had to call the Fill method on the DataAdapter and pass it a newly created DataSet or DataTable. It then passes this open reader into the Load method of the DataTable that takes care of copying the data from the reader into the DataTable. Your donation helps me to pay the bills so I can keep running Imar.Spaanjaars.Com, providing fresh content as often as possible.I want to be able to iterate the datatable, not just assigning it as a data source. Thanks in advance, John So I believe the above line of code is unnecessary. Best, Bob If you need help converting the code, try one of the available on-line code converters. Cheers, ImarBecause there are very litte difference in the code it takes to create either one so it's always interesting to see if there is something else to gain from using a certain way of coding. As you can see on my snippet page the two functions takes exactly the same amount of rows and objects to perform the same job., go to the sixth snippet called DataSet functionThis works fine for stored procedures as well. Cheers, Imar Which would be a faster.Cheers, ImarOtherwise, I think a for loop is the way to go. ImarThis is not the case when using a Data Adapter to Fill one of these objects. This may not be important to people, but it took me a long time to debug this issue after making changes to several of my database calls. I typically will add Columns of calculated data before sending that data to the Data Grid.It seems to make some sense though, given that a DataReader is a read-only forward only way to read data. Cheers, ImarKeep it up and god blessFeel free to post any comments, remarks or questions you may have about this article. The Talk Back feature is not meant for technical questions that are not directly related to this article. Also spam and unrealistic job offers will be deleted immediately. Your e-mail address is optional and you only need to provide it if you want me to contact you. {-Variable.fc_1_url-

It will not be displayed along with your comment. I got sick and tired of the comment spam I was receiving, so I have protected this page with a simple calculation exercise. This means that if you want to leave a comment, you'll need to complete the calculation before you hit the Post Comment button. Don't forget to mention the page link, or the QuickDocId of the document. In other words, don't use. Also no links allowed. Please enter the sum of the two numbers again. Finally a new DataTable is created and the DataReader records are loaded into the DataTable using its Load method. Then a new DataSet is created and a DataTable is added to the DataSet. The comment is now awaiting moderation. You will be notified via email when the author replies to your comment.Make sure you provide a valid email address else you won't be notified when the author replies to your comment Please note that all comments are moderated and will be deleted if they are Not relavant to the article Spam Advertising campaigns or links to other sites Abusive content. Please do not post code, scripts or snippets. You are free to use it for commercial as well as non-commercial use at your own risk, but you cannot use it for posting on blogs or other tutorial websites similar to www.aspsnippets.com without giving reference link to the original article.RequiredPlease refer Privacy Policy for more details. The data in cells can be formatted using predefined formats or user-defined formats. EasyXLS can be successfully used inclusively to export large Excel files having big volume of data with fast exporting time. The source code samples can be integrated in: - ASP.NET web pages - Windows applications - Windows Forms (WinForms) - Console applications - Windows service applications - ASP.NET MVC web applications EasyXLS permits you to export Excel files without Excel installed, without Interop or any other additional software installed.See also: How to format Excel cells.

How to use predefined cells format. Export DataSet to XLSX, XLSB, XLSM and XLS files This code sample shows how to export a DataSet to XLSX file. Similarly, you can export a DataSet to XLS file using ExcelDocument. See also: How to export to XLSX file. How to export to XLSM file. How to export to XLSB file. How to export to XLS file. Getting started with EasyXLS Excel library To download the trial version of EasyXLS Excel Library, press the below button: If you already own a license key, you may login and download EasyXLS from your account. All Rights Reserved. Proper methods for labelled variables add value labels support to base R functions and to some functions from other packages.Let’s start with adding labels to the dataset. Then we can continue with tables creation. Resulting table is just a data.frame so we can use usual R operations on it. Detailed documentation for table creation can be seen via ?tables. For significance testing see ?significance. Generally, tables automatically translated to HTML for output in knitr or Jupyter notebooks.Sample was divided into two groups (cells) of 75 respondents in each group. In cell 1 product VSX123 was presented first and then SDF546. In cell 2 sweets were presented in reversed order. Questions about respondent impressions about first product are in the block A (and about second tested product in the block B). At the end of the questionnaire there was a question about the preferences between sweets. Multiple response. First tested product First tested product. Multiple response. Second tested product Second tested product Yes, difference is significant. Inside compute we can put arbitrary number of the statements. You can also fill a DataGrid object from a background thread. If the DataSet is not being loaded, a new thread is created invoking the AsyncFillDataSet( ) method to fill a DataSet. Otherwise, a message is displayed stating that the DataSet is currently being filled.

The BindDataSetToDataGrid( ) method is called asynchronously on the form's thread to display the results. Finally, messages are displayed to indicate that the AsyncFillDataSet( ) method has started and when it has completed. Display a message.An asynchronous call returns immediately, freeing the calling thread to continue with its work while a new thread is created to run the method in parallel. The Start( ) method of the Thread changes the state of the Thread to ThreadState.Running allowing the operating system to schedule it for execution. Once it begins executing, the ThreadStart delegate supplied in the Thread constructor invokes its method. Method calls from other threads must be marshaled to the creation thread. This can be done asynchronously by calling the BeginInvoke( ) method of the form, forcing the method to be executed on the thread that created the form or control. Click here to find out more. Accept cookies. We did this enough times that I and a coworker (we'll call her Marlena) decided to sit down and just make up a new mapping system for use with these DataTable and DataRow objects. As always with my code-based posts, there's a GitHub project with a full working example app, so check that out too. One Jump Ahead So here's a basic problem with mapping from DataSet, DataTable, and DataRow objects: we don't know at compile time what columns and tables exist in the set, so mapping solutions like AutoMapper won't work for this scenario. Our mapping system will have to assume what columns exist. But, in order to make it more reusable, we will make the mapping system return default values for any values which it does not locate. There's also another, more complex problem: the databases we are acquiring our data from use many different column names to represent the same data. 20 years of different maintainers and little in the way of cohesive naming standards will do that do a database. So our system will also need to be able to map from many different column names. Finally, this system wouldn't be worth much if it couldn't handle collections of objects as well as single objects, so we'll need to allow for that as well. So, in short, our system needs to: Map from DataTable and DataRow to objects. Map from multiple different column names. Handle mapping to a collection of objects as well as a single object. We'll need several pieces to accomplish this. But before we can even start building the mapping system, we must first acquire some sample data. Mine, Mine, Mine We're going to create some DataSet objects that we can test our system against. In the real world, you would use an actual database, but here (for simplicity's sake) we're just going to manually create some DataSet objects. Here's a sample class which will create two DataSet objects, Priests and Ranchers, each of which use different column names for the same data: public static class DataSetGeneratorSomething There Now we can build our actual mapping solution. First off, we need a way to decide what column names map to object properties.Let's say we're going to map to a Person class. We would use DataNamesAttribute like so: public class PersonReflection Our mapper class will be a generic class so that we can map from DataTable or DataRow objects to any kind of object. We'll need two methods to get different kinds of data: public class DataNamesMapper where TEntity: class, new()We need to do three things: Figure out what columns exist in this row. Determine if the TEntity we are mapping to has any properties with the same name as any of the columns (aka the Data Names) AND Map the value from the DataRow to the TEntity. Here's how we do this, using just a bit of reflection: public TEntity Map(DataRow row)If you are, you might also be about to regret it. Dig a Little Deeper The PropertyMapHelper, as suggested by the name, maps values to different primitive types ( int, string, DateTime, etc. ). Here's that Map() method we saw earlier: public static void Map(Type type, DataRow row, PropertyInfo prop, object entity)AttributeHelper is a rather simple class that merely gets the list of column names from the DataNamesAttribute: public static List GetDataNames(Type type, string propertyName)Essentially what this class does is assign a value to a passed-in property reference (represented by the PropertyInfo class). I'm not going to post the full code on this post (you can see it over on GitHub ), so here's a snippet of what this method does: private static void ParsePrimitive(PropertyInfo prop, object entity, object value)Now, we can use the DataSet objects we created earlier and our mapping system to see if we can map this data correctly. Two Worlds Here's a quick program that can test our new mapping system: class ProgramWhile I do like how all we need to do is place the DataNamesAttribute on the correct properties and then call an instance of DataNamesMapper, I feel like the whole thing could be easier somehow. Believe it or not, this version is actually simpler than the one we're actually using in our internal apps. Also, check out the sample project over on GitHub, fork it, test it, whatever. If it helped you out, or if you can improve it, let me know in the comments. If this post helped you, would you consider buying me a coffee. Your support helps fund all of Exception Not Found's project and keeps traditional ads off the site. Thanks for your support. BuyMeACoffee Finally, extra special bonus points will go to anyone who can figure out a) what the hell those odd section titles are about and b) where I got the sample data from. Happy Coding. The DataTable (not the TableAdapter Object) in the DataSet does not have a connection to the database. The DataTable columns represent the data fields that will appear on the Crystal Report. The DataSet will be populated with data from the AdventureWorks database using a SQLDataReader created in a Class. Select DataSet from the templates listed and click Add. Change the Name of the DataTable by clicking in the top portion. Right click on the DataTable to Add the Columns (field names) to the DataTable. This will be the class that will return a populated DataSet to the Default.aspx WebPage to be used as the ReportDataSource for a CrystalReport. The code will create a new DataSet with the same schema as the DataSet1 created earlier and then load the DataSet's DataTable with the data from the SqlDataReader. Finally, it will return the populated DataSet to the Default webpage. Important: Add the namespace attribute above the class name. It will be used in the webpage to access the method created to return the DataSet. Select Split or Design View to get the Toolbox to appear. Drag and drop a CrystalReportViewer onto the Design portion of the page.This code will create a new DataSet and populate it with the data from our custom class by calling the static method sqlreportData(). Using the ReportDocument object, the data source for the report can be set and then loaded dynamically to the Viewer at run time. This means that it is possible to provide an individual data source for each series. It allows you to select a data source. If necessary, use the Change.You can use the Browse.The main ones are: Its methods are used for executing queries and stored procedures, fetching data and filling DataTables in DataSets, and sending data back to the database. It is assigned to the ChartControl.DataAdapter property. It is assigned to the ChartControl.DataSource property. The next steps specify which data fields should be used to provide data for the chart's series. To do this, click the chart's smart tag and in its actions list, choose the Series. link. To do this, click the SeriesBase.FilterCriteria property's ellipsis button. Set the column name to CategoryID, the criteria operator to Equals, and the operand value to 4. This will redraw the chart using genuine, obtained data. End SubTo achieve this, select the series and in the Properties grid, expand its SeriesBase.View property. Among the set of the view-type-specific options, locate and enable the SeriesViewColorEachSupportBase.ColorEach property. To better position the legend, select it, and in the Properties grid, set its Legend.Direction to LeftToRight, Legend.AlignmentHorizontal to Center, and Legend.AlignmentVertical to BottomOutside. You can disable (enable) a crosshair cursor both at the level of a chart via the ChartControl.CrosshairEnabled property and at the level of a chart series using the SeriesBase.CrosshairEnabled property. Any other suggestions. Tell us here. All’inizio vengono utilizzati linguaggi di script gia esistenti come Perl o Tcl, a cui in seguito se ne affiancano altri, a volte sviluppati principalmente con questo scopo (PHP, Python, Ruby, Java). Nel 1995 SUN rilascia la prima versione di Java, un linguaggio ottimizzato per le applicazioni legate al World Wide Web. A partire dallo stesso anno il popolare browser Netscape permette di visualizzare applet: programmi Java inseriti nelle pagine web, che vengono scaricati sul computer dell’utente contestualmente alla pagina stessa e vengono eseguiti immediatamente, senza complicate procedure di installazione. Un applet, in teoria, puo essere eseguito su qualsiasi computer e su qualsiasi sistema operativo su cui sia stato installato un browser adatto, come Netscape. Le caratteristiche del linguaggio e il grande supporto da parte di SUN permettono a Java di cavalcare la straordinaria espansione del Web e diventare in breve tempo uno dei linguaggi piu popolari. Il linguaggio e diventato uno standard ECMA. Tendenze attuali E difficile prevedere l’evoluzione futura dei linguaggi di programmazione, ma e possibile individuare alcuni dei processi che la stanno guidando. Anzitutto, i linguaggi di script e piu in generale i linguaggi dinamicamente tipizzati continuano a guadagnare spazio, favoriti dall’incremento di prestazioni dei computer e dallo sviluppo di nuove metodologie di test del software che rendono meno importanti i controlli in fase di compilazione, propri dei linguaggi staticamente tipizzati. Si stanno diffondendo poi nuove piattaforme di calcolo di tipo mobile (telefoni cellulari, palmari ecc.), che richiedono, come nei primi anni Ottanta, linguaggi e sistemi operativi portabili e compatti. Il movimento OpenSource gioca, infine, un ruolo sempre piu rilevante nella diffusione di alcuni linguaggi di programmazione.